Unique Family Based Rehabilitation Center

The World Record of managing ‘orphan rehabilitation center through a unique family-based model’ has been achieved by Vatsalya Gram conceptualized by Sadhvi Ritambhara ji (Didi Maa) from Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Vatsalya Gram has rehabilitated orphaned/ abandoned people in the form of families where such children, destitute women and other dispossessed elderly women live together in individual homes as a family. Till December, 2014; hundreds of people have been rehabilitated through this unique and scalable concept.

At Vatsalya Gram various children, women and elderly women live together in individual homes as a family, provided with all necessary facilities like access to healthcare, education, etc. to take care of each and every need of the family members. Thus each woman or child at Vatsalya Gram, even thought not biologically related, is part of a Indian traditional family unit in addition to being part of a larger family.