Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

The World Record “largest rubik’s cubes mosaic” has been achieved by Priyansh Brahmbhatt (07 Years 06 Months 06 Days) from Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

On Jun 11, 2023; Priyansh (son of Ms. Rita Brahmbhatt & Mr. Dhavalbhai Brahmbhatt) has created the mosaic of One Thousand Forty (1040) rubik’s cubes depicting image of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

# Young Achiever: Little Champion


Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Most Rubik’s Cubes Solved While Skating

The World Record “most rubik’s cubes solved while skating” has been achieve by Priyansh Brahmbhatt (07 Years 06 Months 06 Days) from Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

On Jun 11, 2023; Priyansh (son of Ms. Rita Brahmbhatt & Mr. Dhavalbhai Brahmbhatt) solved Twelve (12) different rubik’s cubes while skating.

# Young Achiever: Little Champion


Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Youngest Publisher

The World Record ‘youngest publisher’ has been achieved by Satyam Upadhyay (11 years 11 months) from Gurugram, Haryana, India.

On May 28, 2017; Satyam (son of Ms. Savita and Mr. Narendra Kumar Upadhyay) published the book titled ‘Guru Vandan’.

The book is based on learnings and experiences with his mentor Mr. Aman Bathla.

#Young Achiever: Teen Talent


Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Youngest To Author a Ballad

The World Record ‘youngest to author a ballad’ has been achieved by Vishikha Tripathi (16 Years 05 Months 09 Days) from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

On Dec 22, 2022; Vishikha (daughter of Ms. Seema & Mr. Nadeesh Tripathi) published the authored ballad ‘Kali: the blooming flower’ containing six chapters in one hundred twelve pages.

 #Young Achiever: Female 




Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Longest feat of blowing a conch shell

The World Record “longest feat of blowing a conch shell” has been achieved by Anuj Tiwari (13 Years 02 Months 15 Days) from Harda, Madhya Pradesh, India.

On Jun 10, 2023; Anuj (son of Ms. Suneeta & Mr. Harishankar Tiwari) blew a conch shell for Eight minutes Twenty seconds (08M:20S).

#Young Achiever


Largest Rubik’s Cubes Mosaic

Fastest Recognition of National Flags

The World Record ‘fastest recognition of national flags’ has been achieved by Reyansh Somani (08 years 02 months 08 days) from Guwahati, Assam, India.

On May 17, 2023; Reyansh (son of Ms. Seema & Mr. Varun Somani) recognized one hundred ninety five national flags in One minute Forty Nine seconds and Seventeen centiseconds (01M: 49S:17CS).
