Youngest & Oldest

What is the youngest and Oldest Record Category?

Youngest & Oldest Category belongs to those people aged below 18 Years or above 60 years. Records created by those people come in this category and people of the same category can only break existing records or create new records.


Youngest & Oldest Record’s Rules, Regulations and Guidelines

  • The kids who are under 18 will be considered in Young Achievers category
  • Proof of age must be submitted along with the record claim.
  • Record claim form must be duly signed by the guardian along with the attempter of the record.
  • Task attempted should not harm the children physically or physiologically.
  • Record attempter, Who are above 60 years old will be considered in the Oldest category.
  • Before attempting endurance records applicant must take a full check up and be under the observation of a Physician and family members.

FAQs of Youngest & Oldest Records Related

Creating the Youngest & Oldest record,  requires careful planning and execution. Here are some general and timeline-related questions that you should keep in your mind at the time of attempting to set/ Break a Youngest & Oldest record:

What kind of Initial planning should make before the attempt Youngest & Oldest World Record?

Initial Planning before the attempt:

  • Define the type of record you want to attempt.
  • Research the existing record and requirements set by the relevant record-keeping organization.
  • Determine the specific rules and guidelines you need to follow to qualify for the record.
  • Create a budget and secure funding or sponsorship if needed.
  • Assemble a team of experts, volunteers, and partners who can help you with different aspects of the attempt.
What Kind of Preparation make before the attempt of Youngest & Oldest World Record?

Preparation before the attempt:

      • Develop a detailed plan of action, including logistics, equipment, and safety measures.
      • Identify and secure the venue for the attempt.
      • Communicate with local authorities and obtain any necessary permits or permissions.
      • Start recruiting volunteers, if applicable.
      • Design and test any specialized equipment or technology needed for the attempt.
      • Establish a communication strategy to promote the record attempt and gather public interest.
    What Kind of Promotion and Participant Recruitment before the attempt of Youngest & Oldest World Record?

    Promotion before the attempt:

      • Launch a marketing and promotional campaign to generate excitement.
      • Communicate regularly with the team, and share information, guidelines, and updates.
    What Kind of final Preparations before the attempt of Youngest & Oldest World Record?

    Final preparations before the attempt:

      • Confirm all logistics, including transportation, accommodation, and on-site facilities.
      • Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and safety briefing.
      • Conduct rehearsals to ensure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.
      • Double-check all record guidelines and requirements to ensure compliance.
      • Finalize any necessary paperwork or documentation for record verification.
    What Kind of Prepration make before Youngest & Oldest World Record Attempt Day?

    Record Attempt Day:

    • Execute the record attempt according to the established plan.
    • Have official adjudicators or witnesses on site to validate the attempt.
    • Document the entire process through video recordings, photographs, and other evidence.
    • Ensure safety protocols are followed at all times.
    What should we keep in our mind after Post-Attempt Verification and Documentation?

    Post-Attempt Verification and Documentation after the attempt:

    • Submit all required evidence and documentation to the record-keeping organization.
    • Await verification and confirmation of the record.
    What should we do after Post-Event Activities After the successfully attempt?

    Post-Event Activities (After the attempt is verified):

    • Celebrate the achievement and acknowledge partners.
    • Share the news of the record-breaking achievement through various channels.
    • Reflect on the experience and consider any lessons learned for future attempts.
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