Most Number of Stickers on a Car

The World Record of ‘most number of stickers on a car’ has been achieved by the organization CFAX Santa’s Anonymous from Victoria, Canada.

On December, 12, 2013; in an event stickers were pasted on a car. The total number of sticker which were stuck to the car were Fifteen Thousand (15,000). The card chosen for creating the record was a 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe. The event took place at Victoria Hyundai which is the official Hyundai dealership in Vancouver Island, Canada. The event was organized to create funds for charity for children. The record was created in association with Victoria Hyundai.

Previous World Record:

The Word Record of ‘most number of stickers on a car’ was achieved by the family and friends of Dr. Maryann Beebe on November 20, 2012 in Oregon City, Oregon, USA. The total number of stickers used in creating this record was 10,221.